Bank of Baroda atm pin generate- Friends, if you have opened an account in Bank of Baroda like me and you have no idea about debit cards, how we can generate debit card PINs, then, today you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you how to generate Bank of Baroda ATM PIN.
Friends, to generate the PIN of Bank of Baroda, first of all, you have to follow the steps of our article so you can generate your ATM PIN very easily.
In this article, we have told you three methods with the help of which you can generate Bank of Baroda ATM PIN, if you do them carefully then your account PIN can be generated.
Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by mobile
Friends, Bank of Baroda is an Indian bank from which you can open accounts of your own type. This is the fourth largest nationalized bank in India,
132 million customers have opened their accounts in the Bank of Baroda. Bank of Baroda does business of 218 million every year in India!
You have to follow the given steps to generate the PIN of the Bank of Baroda. In these steps, you will be told how to generate Bank of Baroda atm PIN. With the help of these steps, you can easily generate your PIN sitting at home.
Friends, you have to do these steps given in the article carefully. Otherwise, your Bank of Baroda ATM PIN will not be generated.
Friends this first method is done by Mobile application.
- Install BOB World App from Play Store.
- Enter your Login Pin [ How to Register in BOB World App]
- Now you have to see the Card Option on the bottom side you have to click on this.
- There you will see the [ Debit card ] Option, you have to click on this.
- Now click on Set Button.
- You will get OTP on your Registered mobile number.
- You have to enter OTP there.
- Now Make your own Debit card Pin
- Then you have to Enter the transaction Pin
- Well done.
So in our first method, we have told you how you can generate your Bank of Baroda ATM PIN sitting at home. Friends, if you follow this method carefully, then only your ATM PIN will be generated.
Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by call
Bank of Baroda atm pin generate To do this, you have to follow our second method. Friends, in our second matter, we have told you how you can generate an ATM PIN through call. To do this method, you will need a mobile so that you can do this matter easily.
So you have to do the second method carefully. Friends, you have to do the given process in such a way that you do not have to do this process again and again.
Friends, if you do this process repeatedly, then your debit card can also be blocked for 24 hours.
You have to take note of this You have to do this process from your registered mobile number.
- Open the call section on your phone.
- You Have To Type the number there [ Bank of Baroda Customer care number 1800 258 4455/1800 102 4455 ]
- Wait For Option
- You have to type 2 to continue the call
- Now you have to type your Account Number there.
- There you have to Press 1 to Confirm
- Here you wait and Press 3 For Atm Pin Option
- Then Put Your Debit card information [ Expiry Date and Year ] and Your [Card’s Last four Digits].
- After that enter the OTP
- Now You have to make Debit Card Pin [Re-enter pin]
- Well Done
So in the second method given, you have done big. You can easily generate your Debit Card PIN by calling through your mobile. It’s a very easy process. In this, you will only need to recharge!
It is necessary to recharge your mobile in the process. If not, then your debit card will not be made on it. So you get a recharge done on mobile.
Bank of Baroda Atm Pin Generation
- First of all, you have to go to Atm Office.
- After that, you have to put your card in the ATM machine.
- You have to wait there for some time. After inserting the card, instead of clicking on the language, you have to click on the option at the bottom. On the option of Set Pin and Regenerate pin.
- Now you will see two options there, first Set Pin and second Regenerate Pin.
- But you have to click on Set Pin.
- Now you have to enter the Account Number there and after that click on the option of Correct. You have to do this process twice.
- Now all your details will be shown in front of you. You have to click on the Confirm button there.
- After the OTP is received, Then you have to put that Atm card again inside the ATM machine!
- After doing the first process, now you have to click on Set Pin.
- Now put Your Mobile Number there and Click on the Correct button.
- The OTP that has come on your mobile, you have to write that OTP there.
- After entering the OTP, you have to click on the Correct Button there.
- You have to Create a pin. You will have to do this process twice. After that, your pin will be Generated.
- Well done “How Easy is this”
Friends, this is our third method. Through this, you can go to the ATM office and generate your ATM PIN there. Friends, you cannot do this process sitting at home. You will have to go out of the house and do this process. if you wanted also that how to generate Pnb atm pin so click here.
Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by SMS
Friends, these are the only three methods to generate Bank of Baroda ATM PIN. friends, there is no such method through which you can generate your ATM PIN by sending a message.
It is applicable only for SBI. There you can generate your ATM PIN by sending a message, but there is no method in Bank of Baroda. There are only three steps through which you can generate Bank of Baroda ATM PIN.
Q.1 Can I Generate Bank of Baroda Atm Pin By Sending Sms
Ans. No, there is no such method through which you can generate your ATM PIN by sending a message.
Q.2 Can we generate BOB ATM PIN online?
Ans. Yes, you can generate your Bank of Baroda ATM PIN sitting at home with our given method.
Q.3 How can I generate my ATM PIN in Bank of Baroda by phone?
Ans. Friends, to generate the Bank of Baroda ATM PIN, first of all, you have to install the BOB app on mobile from the play store. After installing the application, you have to open the app. After that go to the section of Cards in it. After that, you will see the option of a Debit Card there. There you can easily generate your Debit Card PIN by clicking on it.
In this article today we learned about Bank of Baroda Atm Pin Generate Friends, in this article, we have told you three methods, Our first is Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by mobile and second is Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by call and our last method is Bank of Baroda atm pin generate by SMS with the help of these methods you can generate ATM PIN. If you like this article then you can share it with your friends and solve their problems.
Read Also: How to Generate Indian Bank Atm Pin